Now if you read my post here, you know that I'm a newbie to Instagram, and I am still in awe of it. I post a picture, and a fabric designer whose fabric I adore and whom (grammar police? I don't know to use "whom" or "who" here, so correct me if you know down in a comment..hee hee) I have never met can see it and like it and comment on it. Wha?? Amazing. It makes it a little more personal when I'm buying loads of their fabric. I'd still buy loads, but now I know what they look like. Ha ha.
And as a follow-up to the couple of sewing contests I joined, sadly I did not win. But alas, losing did not deter me from sewing. And the Bean got 4 dresses and a cute bag that she takes to preschool religiously.
Here are some pics of the dresses that she now can sport to church (and that I've already had to spray-and-wash because....she's 2):
She was such a good girl and really tried hard to do what I asked to take those pictures.

I appliqued a little kite on the skirt of this one. The fabric line is called "Sommer" and is designed by Sarah Jane (and manufactured by Michael Miller Fabrics) in case anyone is interested.
Here is her second dress from the same fabric line:
I made that little belt too. It even has a vintage mother-of-pearl buckle that I ordered off of etsy. I really like this little retro style dress. Those mirrored swans are fun.
Then after the dress sewing contest, I started following all these quilt-people on Instagram, and so I joined a Block-of-the-Month group (Sarah Fielke's). I will be learning some new techniques with that group, so I am looking forward to that. Here is some needle-turn applique that I did on some of the blocks:
I am currently working on 3 quilts (intermittently), and I hope that at least one gets finished because I'm obviously all over the place!
And of course, life wouldn't be complete without some cookies. I wonder how many chocolate chips I go through a year? Or how much butter......Mmmmm....butter.
Alright, it's time to go pick up some kids and take them to piano lessons. Until next time!